2-BBMP-R1-18 - CaF2 Broad band, Ruled MidIR Polariser, 18 mm clear aperture, Ø25 mm mount

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2-BBMP-R1-18 - CaF2 Broad band, Ruled MidIR Polariser, 18 mm clear aperture, Ø25 mm mount
2 290,00 $US
A fine array of parallel conducting wires whose period is smaller compared to the wavelength of incident radiation will transmit one polarisation and reflect the other. The component of the radiation whose electric vector is perpendicular to the direction of the wires and induces current in the wires will be transmitted and the parallel vector reflected. Altechna's Mid-IR polarizers are produced by holographic method (i.e. laser interferometry) or mechanically ruled. These polarisers do not suffer from beam displacement, are not affected by diverging or converging beam, have wide acceptance angle without degradation of performance and portable.
Ouverture utile, mm 18
Extinction Ratio 50:1 @ 3 um; 80:1 @ 5 um
Material CaF2
Mount Diameter, mm 25
Polarization degree >98%@3um
Nom du produit 2-BBMP-R1-18
Transmission efficiency (k1>70%; k2<0,7%)@3um
Type Ruled
Gamme de longeur d'onde, nm 1 - 13um
Delivery 2-4 weeks


A fine array of parallel conducting wires whose period is smaller compared to the wavelength of incident radiation will transmit one polarisation and reflect the other. The component of the radiation whose electric vector is perpendicular to the direction of the wires and induces current in the wires will be transmitted and the parallel vector reflected. Altechna's Mid-IR polarizers are produced by holographic method (i.e. laser interferometry) or mechanically ruled. These polarisers do not suffer from beam displacement, are not affected by diverging or converging beam, have wide acceptance angle without degradation of performance and portable.
  • Extremely broadband
  • Wide acceptance angle
  • Compact and portable
  • Polyethylene polarizers for 20-1000 microns are also available!
  • Long life time

Performance table

MaterialSpectral range (um)Transmission efficiency, % (k1) ; (k2)Degree of polarisation, % (k1-k2) / (k1+k2)Extinction ratio (k1/2k2)Contrast ratio (k1/k2)Type
KRS-52-35 microns(k1>75%; k2<0,7%)@3um ; (k1>71%; k2<0,3%)@15um98,2%@3um ; 99,2%@15um54:1@3um ; 118:1@15um108:1@3um ; 236:1@15umHolographic
CaF21-10 microns(k1>85%; k2<0,7%)@3um ; (k1>80%; k2<0,24%)@8um98,4%@3um ; 99,4%@8um61:1@3um ; 165:1@8um122:1@3um ; 330:1@8umHolographic
BaF21-13 microns(k1>85%; k2<0,58%)@3um ; (k1>85%; k2<0,23%)@10um98,6%@3um ; 99,5%@10um73:1@3um ; 185:1@10um146:1@3um ; 370:1@10umHolographic
ZnSe1-16 microns(k1>70%; k2<0,6%)@3um ; (k1>72%; k2<0,22%)@10um98,3%@3um ; 99,4%@10um58:1@3um ; 163:1@10um116:1@3um ; 326:1@10umHolographic
CaF21-9 microns(k1>70%; k2<0,7%)@3um>98%@3um>50:1@3um>100:1@3umMechanically ruled
ZnSe1,5-14 microns(k1>70%; k2<1,4%)@3um>97%@3um>25:1@3um>50:1@3umMechanically ruled