1-APX-2-G254-P Plano-Convex Axicon, Apex Angle = 176 deg, Ø25.4 mm

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1-APX-2-G254-P Plano-Convex Axicon, Apex Angle = 176 deg, Ø25.4 mm
770,00 $US

Plano-convex axicons are conical lenses which are used for variety of applications. When used in pair with a conventional spherical lens, axicons can focus laser light into a ring shape with annular focus. This feature can be used in hole drilling, microscopy and medical applications. Another interesting feature of axicons is a possibility to transform a Gaussian beam into a non-diffractive Bessel beam in the near field. Bessel beams can be used in atom or molecule guiding applications.

Laserand offers two types of plano-convex axicons: regular and precision. Regular axicons will create annularly shaped beam. Precision axicons (item ID ending with -P, eg. 1-APX-2-B254-P) will also transform Gaussian beam into a Bessel beam. You can choose accordingly, depending on your specific application.

Material UVFS
Diamètre, mm 25.4
Tolérances de diamètre, mm +0.0/-0.15 mm
Épaisseur au bord, mm 3.5
Apex Angle, deg 176
Qualité de surface, s-d 40-20
Épaisseur, mm 5
Tolérance d'épaisseur, mm ±0.1 mm
Chanfreins de protection <0.25 mm x 45 deg
Traitements uncoted
  • Description


Plano-convex axicons are conical lenses which are used for variety of applications. When used in pair with a conventional spherical lens, axicons can focus laser light into a ring shape with annular focus. This feature can be used in hole drilling, microscopy and medical applications. Another interesting feature of axicons is a possibility to transform a Gaussian beam into a non-diffractive Bessel beam in the near field. Bessel beams can be used in atom or molecule guiding applications.

Laserand offers two types of plano-convex axicons: regular and precision. Regular axicons will create annularly shaped beam. Precision axicons (item ID ending with -P, eg. 1-APX-2-B254-P) will also transform Gaussian beam into a Bessel beam. You can choose accordingly, depending on your specific application.