New Supplier - Symetrie

Montreal, March 2018 – Laserand, Inc. is pleased to announce new distributorship agreement with Symétrie for the US and Canadian markets. Symétrie specializes in high precision positioning hexapods for scientific, R&D and industrial applications. Hexapods are 6 degrees of freedom parallel kinematics robots.
SYMETRIE is one of the world’s leading providers of hexapod solutions for positioning and motion applications.
With its six actuators, a hexapod is capable of moving in any direction or orientation, generating strong and dynamic motions and controlling those motions. Therefore, it is used to test materials, products and often for swell simulation, or to precisely align components.
Hexapods are frequently used in industries such as shipbuilding, space, aeronautics, automotive, optics, medical, nuclear, electronics, and by many research centers and universities.
Customers will benefit from the improved local customer support provided by Laserand Inc. We will be happy to find the best solution for your most demanding positioning applications (