New Supplier - greateyes GmbH

Laserand Inc. is pleased to announce its new cooperation with greateyes GmbH, an aspiring German manufacturer of scientific high-performance cameras for imaging and spectroscopic applications. Greateyes cameras combine scientific CCD sensors with large pixel sizes and ultra low noise electronics, thus facilitating optimal detection of low-light intensities with high dynamic ranges. Customers can choose among different sensor technologies featuring high resolutions with up to 16.8 megapixels and excellent sensitivities covering the near-infrared and visible region up to high-energy photons in the EUV and X-ray range. Laserand is proud to highlight the latest camera release by greateyes: the high-performance waferscale camera GE 4096 4096 BI UV1.
The detector is particularly designed for most demanding EUV and soft X-ray applications offering 16.8 megapixels resolution and enhanced quantum efficiency in the 100-500 eV range. It features a Gigabit Ethernet interface supporting flexible integration into large-scale scientific research facilities such as synchrotrons.
Customers will benefit from the improved local customer support provided by Laserand Inc. We will be happy to find the best solution for your imaging and spectroscopic applications (