Duetto 349 UV Series Laser - New Product Release

Introducing the Duetto 349
Following the move into new premises, and recent expansion in staff and production capacity, UniKLasers Ltd. are delighted to announce the first new product release of the year; the Duetto 349 CW Single Frequency UV Laser System.
The Duetto 349 UV Series offers unrivalled CW single frequency operation within the UV range, offering 50 mW power with outstanding beam characteristics, high output stability, extremely low noise, small footprint, and versatile software package – making it suitable for a wide range of applications and system integrations.
Key Features
The Duetto 349 UV laser is designed to integrate with existing instrumentation and systems. This UV source also serves as a replacement and improvement of existing sources, such as HeCd or third harmonic Nd:YAG lasers.
Laser systems operating as CW within the UV range are increasingly important for a number of applications – including; Semiconductors, Wafer Fabrication, Lithography, Raman Spectroscopy, Brillouin Scattering, Flow Cytometry, Optical Manipulation, Interferometry, Confocal Microscopy, Biomedical/Bioengineering, Fluorescence, Disc Mastering, Diffraction Grating Mastering, High Precision Optics, and more!
The Duetto 349 CW UV laser is available now for short-term delivery with comprehensive technical support packages. Contact us to discuss your application requirements.