
ALEX-i 2k2k plus - New Product Release
Recently greateyes GmbH have developed a highly customized camera which we believe other applications could benefit from as well.

Duetto 349 UV Series Laser - New Product Release
We are pleased to to introduce new developments from our suppliers UniKLasers Ltd. - the world's first single frequency, ultra-narrow linewidth 349 nm DPSS continuous-wave UV laser.

Photonics North 2019
Please visit us at Photonics North 2019
Convention Center
Quebec, QC, Canada
May 22-23, 2019, Booth #12

Photonics North 2018
Please visit us at Photonics North 2018
Centre Mont-Royal
Montreal, QC, Canada
June 6-7, 2018, Booth #11

New Supplier - Symetrie
Montreal, March 2018 – Laserand, Inc. is pleased to announce new distributorship agreement with Symétrie for the US and Canadian markets. Symétrie specializes in high precision positioning hexapods for scientific, R&D and industrial applications. Hexapods are 6 degrees of freedom parallel kinematics robots.

New Supplier - KESHET Labs
Montreal, January 2018 – Laserand, Inc. is proud to introduce our new supplier for Optical Spectroscopy Systems - Tel-Aviv, Israel based company KESHET Labs. KESHET labs comprises an experienced engineering team, working on variety of projects in the fields of electro-optics, motion control and machine vision.

BiOS Expo 2018
Please visit us at BiOS Expo Photonics West 2018
Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA, United States
January 27-28, 2018, Booth 8214

New Supplier - greateyes GmbH
Montreal, November 2016 - Laserand Inc. is pleased to announce its new cooperation with greateyes GmbH, an aspiring German manufacturer of scientific high-performance cameras for imaging and spectroscopic applications.

New Supplier - Optoquest Co.
Montreal QC, January 2016 - Laserand is pleased to announce new distributorship agreement with Optoquest for the US and Canadian markets. Optoquest is the world leader in broadband dielectric coatings and fiber-optics communication photonics products.

Smallest deep UV laser
World’s smallest deep UV laser opens up new applications.
Highest efficiency & output power from 266 CW Single Frequency DPSS laser with the smallest footprint on the market