The patented BRaMMS technology provides new wavelengths previously unattainable by CW single frequency DPSS lasers in UV, visible and near IR. It utilizes the spectrum discriminatory feature of a Michelson interferometer setup within a spectral range preselected by Volume Bragg Grating. This suppresses all but one lasing longitudinal mode within a laser cavity, hence – Bragg Range Michelson Mode Selector (BRaMMS).
Due to significantly lower power consumption for any required output and the resulting simplified thermal management, the BRaMMS laser technology provides up to 10 times wider range of output power scalability from the smallest footprint.
The Duetto-355 is a frequency doubled UV laser. In general Diode pumped solid state Nd:YVO4 lasers are frequency tripled to achieve 355 nm laser. Most of these lasers emit multi-longitudinal modes and need to be tuned to single-frequency operation. The Duetto-355 is inherently single-frequency laser by design. Benefits of our laser design include up to several orders of magnitude higher conversion efficiency, giving them unique output power scalability while eliminating the need for water cooling, a lack of mode beating and associated high frequency noise which often limits applicability, and the longest coherence length, over 100 m, effectively the path difference over which lasers can interfere. It could be used, for example, for laser lithography. In optical lithography, the structure of a photomask is transferred to a photosensitive resist by shadows or projection. The resolution is mainly determined by the wavelength of light used.
As a variation this laser is also available with 349 nm output. The optical output power for the Duetto-349 could be up to 200 mW.