1-PCX-1-B508 BK7 Plano-convex lens, f=300 mm, Ø50.8 mm

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1-PCX-1-B508 BK7 Plano-convex lens, f=300 mm, Ø50.8 mm
They are used for focusing beams in telescopes, collimators or condenser systems, optical transceivers or other applications. Laserand provides PCX lens up to 500mm diameter. Under customer request anti-reflection or other types of coatings can applied.

Diameter, mm 50.8
Focal Length, mm 300
Material BK7
ROC, mm 154.53
Delivery 2-4 weeks
  • Description
  • Features
  • Applications


They are used for focusing beams in telescopes, collimators or condenser systems, optical transceivers or other applications. Laserand provides PCX lens up to 500mm diameter. Under customer request anti-reflection or other types of coatings can applied.
  • Converges incident light
  • Forms real and virtual images

Properties (Diameter D, Focal length L)

D, mmD, InchesL Minimal, mmL Maximal, mm
12,7 0.5 25 10.000
25,4 1 30 10.000
38,1 1.5 50 10.000
50,8 2 80 10.000