1-NF-03-0254 Neutral Density Absorption Filter, Ø25.4 mm, OD = 0.3, T = 50 %

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1-NF-03-0254 Neutral Density Absorption Filter, Ø25.4 mm, OD = 0.3, T = 50 %
Neutral density laser radiation filters with custom transmittance, dimensions and shape. Neutral density absorption type filters decrease intensity of light without altering the relative spectral distribution of the energy. Attenuation is accomplished by using an absorbing type glass.

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Average Transmission in VIS, % 50
Optical Density 0.3
Product Name 1-NF-03-0254
Substrate size, mm Ø25.4
Delivery 2-4 weeks


Neutral density laser radiation filters with custom transmittance, dimensions and shape. Neutral density absorption type filters decrease intensity of light without altering the relative spectral distribution of the energy. Attenuation is accomplished by using an absorbing type glass.

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  • Neutral Density filter is an economical solution to attenuate light